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Minimally Invasive Surgery

OB/GYNs located in Duluth, GA & Dunwoody, GA

Comprehensive Women's OB/GYN

Minimally invasive surgery offers several potential benefits over traditional open surgery, like less pain and smaller incisions. The board-certified team of doctors at Comprehensive Women’s OB/GYN provides da Vinci® Surgical System robotic surgery and laparoscopy to minimize your downtime and speed your recovery. Call or schedule an appointment online to learn more about minimally invasive surgery.

Minimally Invasive Surgery

Traditional open surgery requires larger incisions to allow your doctor to see the area where you need treatment. In contrast, minimally invasive surgery typically requires small incisions.

Your Comprehensive Women’s OB/GYN doctor can still treat you with these smaller incisions, and your recovery time is usually shorter. You also may experience less bleeding and pain with this surgical option.

The skilled surgical team at Comprehensive Women’s OB/GYN performs several types of minimally invasive surgery, including laparoscopy and robotic surgery.

Laparoscopy is an outpatient surgery that uses a laparoscope, a slim camera-equipped device. The laparoscope is inserted via a tiny incision into your abdomen, where it sends images to an electronic monitor. This provides your Comprehensive Women’s OB/GYN doctor with a clear, real-time view of your uterus and pelvic cavity without needing to make a large incision.
During surgery, your doctor inserts surgical instruments through the same tiny incision. You’re usually asleep during the entire procedure. Once your doctor closes your incision or incisions, you should be able to go home the same day.

Comprehensive Women’s OB/GYN providers recommend this type of minimally invasive surgery to treat: 

  • Endometriosis
  • Fibroids
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Permanent sterilization

Laparoscopy also can correct pelvic floor disorders, such as pelvic organ prolapse, where your bladder, uterus, or rectum drop into your vagina.

The da Vinci robotic system is an advancement in minimally invasive surgical technology. This form of surgery is performed in a hospital as you lie next to the da Vinci robotic system. Your doctor sits next to you, operating through a surgical console.

The console translates their movements in real-time to the robotic arms, which hold small surgical instruments. The arms perform your surgery through tiny incisions as directed by your doctor.

The experts at Comprehensive Women’s OB/GYN recommend this form of surgery to perform a hysterectomy, to remove large or hard-to-reach fibroids, and to perform other gynecologic surgeries.

The da Vinci robotic hysterectomy surgery offers several potential benefits over a laparoscopic hysterectomy and traditional surgeries, including:

  • Less pain
  • Less blood loss
  • Shorter hospital stay
  • Fewer complications
  • Lower risk of infection
  • Faster recovery 

After this minimally invasive option, you also may be able to return to your daily activities more quickly.  

If you’re exploring alternatives to open surgery, call Comprehensive Women’s OB/GYN or book a consultation online to learn more about minimally invasive surgery for women.

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