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Office Policies

We strive to make this a great experience.  In our effort to create a pleasant environment, we have instituted the following office policies:

  • Food and beverages are not allowed. All food and beverages must be consumed outside the office.
  • For parents with young children; for the safety of our staff and in consideration to all our patients, we ask that children are well attended during your visit.
  • In the exam room, visitors are limited to one adult per patient. All others will be asked to wait in the reception area. (There will be some exceptions at OB ultrasound appointments).
  • Cell phones. Please silence your phone at check-in and upon entering our clinical area. Please be courteous to other patients while talking on the cell phone in patient waiting room.
  • Payment is expected at the time of service unless prior arrangements are made. If you are unable to make your full payment, please ask to see or speak to the Office Manager prior to your visit.
  • There is a charge of $25.00 for completion of FMLA, Disability or Leave of Absence Forms. Please allow a minimum of 5 business days turn around for completion.
  • There is a charge for any appointment not cancelled at least 24 hours prior to your scheduled appointment. Appointment times are allocated based on the nature of the visit and the fee schedule for non-cancellation is as follows:
    – $25 office visit
    – $30 office procedure
    – $100 for surgery cancellation


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our office.